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@  Pedros (07.05 - 17:17)


@  Pedros (07.05 - 17:16)

bonjour et pas oublié les projectiles (c'est eux qui feron la différence , car non copiés par l'adversaire

@  renato111 (06.05 - 18:25)

bonjour, je l'ai cà mais le % de force par rapport à la condition c'est quoi car on m'a 25% et j'ai donc monté la force et là j'ai de gros soucis

@  torchwood (06.05 - 15:35)

Bonjour il faut une tenue full condition et peu de force avec un compagnon qui peut attaquer plusieurs fois

@  renato111 (06.05 - 06:10)

y a t il une rubrique concernant les tenues pour mission speciales ? je ne trouve pas

@  renato111 (06.05 - 06:09)

tenue ms

@  Vik (19.04 - 22:20)

quand on a plusieurs serveurs ou il faut faire les MS faut une grande patience

@  Vik (19.04 - 22:19)

bof bof dés qu'il y a des combats à programmer et pendant les MS ça rame

@  torchwood (19.04 - 20:49)

Est ce que c’est mieux ?

@  torchwood (19.04 - 20:35)

Bonsoir oui on essaie de faire au mieux😓

@  Vik (18.04 - 21:44)

si vous ne faites rien il y aura encore des joueurs qui vont se barrer ce qui est dommage

@  Vik (18.04 - 21:27)

j'arrive pas à faire la capture d'écran ça rame de trop

@  Vik (18.04 - 21:26)

faut avoir les nerfs solides pour jouer c'est pas possible ça ram de trop je fait un ticket au support ils veulent une capture d'écran j'arrive pas à le f

@  torchwood (06.04 - 20:55)

Salut mini

@  Miniboys (06.04 - 20:30)


@  torchwood (04.04 - 20:23)

Bonsoir à tous

@  Vik (02.04 - 08:39)

bonne journée à tous

@  Vik (02.04 - 08:28)

quand je part en rendez vous je suis sur tel

@  Vik (02.04 - 08:27)

sur pc c'est venu tout de suite mais sur le téléphone j'ai désinstaller plusieurs fois

@  Vik (02.04 - 08:26)

ça vient d'arriver mais j'ai eu du mal

Sujet d'aide : Members

Member List
The member list contains a list of all members of the community. To access it, click the "Members" tab at the top of any page.

By default, all members are listed in alphabetical order. You can choose to only display members whose names begin with a certain letter by selecting that letter from the bar at the top. You can also choose to change the order of the results to display based on post count or join date by selecting the appropriate option from the bar below that.

Advanced Search
To search for a specific member, you can press the " Use Advanced Filters" button. This will reveal advanced filter options. Once you have entered the search criteria, press Apply Filters.

You can access a member's profile by clicking their name anywhere in the community. From here you can see content the member has added, information about the member and contact the member.

User Information
To the side, you will see the user's profile picture if they have one. Below this you will see options to add the user as a friend, send the user a personal message and view content from the user. Underneath this, you will see the user's total reputation, if enabled, taking into account all positive and negative reputation given for all posts. Underneath this, you will see the user's statistics, including what group they are in, how long they have been a member and other basic details.

The user's status displays in the profile upon clicking the Profile Feed tab. You can leave a profile comment here too and reply to their status or previous comments.

To update your own status, open the usermenu on the top right available on every page and you'll have an input box to enter one.

In the middle of the profile, you can see what a user has specified in their "About Me" page. You can use the tabs above this to view content the user has contributed to the community. This section will, however, only show recent content - to view all content, use the appropriate links from the user information section of the profile.

Personal and Contact Information
Below the content box, you will see the member's personal information such as age and birthday. You may also be able to send the user an email if they have allowed it.

Below the personal and contact information, you will see the user's friends. You can click on any of the usernames here to go view their profiles.

You may be able to rate the user by selecting one of the stars at the top of their profile. If you can rate a user, the stars will change color as you move your mouse over them. If you cannot rate the user, you will not be able to select the stars. You cannot rate yourself. You may be able to change your rating. To do this, just click on a different star and your vote will be updated.