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Toggle shoutbox Shoutbox Open the Shoutbox in a popup

Avant de poser une question, consultez la FAQ du jeu Hero Zero!

@  renato111 (16.06 - 08:50)


@  torchwood (16.06 - 08:46)

Cela veut dire qu’il est mieux que celui que tu portes

@  renato111 (16.06 - 05:51)

bonjour :) nouvelle question d'un membre de ma guilde: il a des equipements avec une grosse fleche verte cela veut dire quoi ?

@  renato111 (14.06 - 08:22)

c'est ce que je craignais donc je dois changer de modif :)

@  Wiwi (14.06 - 07:58)

Hello, non une fois mise, la pierre sur les comps ne change pas de stats quand tu le refresh de caractrisiques

@  renato111 (14.06 - 07:22)

bonjour :) j'ai une autre question :) si je change les stats de mon compagnon est-ce que les pts de stats qu'il a eu grace à une modif sont changées aussi ?

@  renato111 (13.06 - 16:03)

piouuu ca devient compliqué :)

@  DarkAngel96 (13.06 - 15:54)

sans force et si possible avec pas mal de condi

@  renato111 (13.06 - 15:44)

et sans force en stat de base je suppose non ?

@  renato111 (13.06 - 15:24)

ok faut due je trouve merci :)

@  torchwood (13.06 - 13:17)

Pao, crawleur, flerky, sir henry, jack, panpan ….

@  torchwood (13.06 - 13:12)

Salut il te faut un compagnon qui peut lancer plusieurs attaques à la suite

@  renato111 (13.06 - 06:54)

bonjour:) selon vous le meilleur compagnon pour effectuer les missions soeciales repetées ce serait qui ?

@  ghostreborne37 (06.06 - 23:01)

Merci pour la réponse tocrchwood :)

@  DarkAngel96 (06.06 - 20:56)

Les comptes inactifs sont supprimés tous les 3 mois

@  pkeilo (06.06 - 20:14)

je reviens tout les 8mois et tout les 8mois je dois réactiver mon compte

@  torchwood (06.06 - 18:47)

Salut au mieux le 01/10

@  ghostreborne37 (06.06 - 13:22)

Salut, quelqu'un sait quand ouvre le prochain serveur peu importe le pays ?

@  Albator4 (01.06 - 15:36)


@  torchwood (01.06 - 15:11)

Normalement tout est rentré dans l’ordre :)

Sujet d'aide : Shoutbox

Shoutbox allows forum members to communicate with each other in an easy to use way. It is similar to a chat-room, but does not require Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! The Shoutbox is updated real-time, meaning any new Shouts someone makes will appear on everyones page at once, you do not need to refresh!

General Features
  • Each member can have their own preferences such as "Hide Refresh Button" or "Disable Enter Key from sending the shout" (shouts can only be sent via the actual button instead, useful for large paragraph shouts!);
  • If a member hovers their mouse over the corner of the global 'shout area', a double arrow appears. If a member clicks and drags that double arrow, they can resize the Shoutbox to their liking! Please note this feature is for the global shoutbox only
  • Ability to use Smilies and BBCODE if the administrator allows them.

Quick Commands
Shoutbox has several Quick Commands that can be used to make certain actions perform in a faster way, here is a list that explains how to use them properly:
  • /announce [Announcement Text] - This will update the announcement in your Shoutbox without having to go to the Admin CP
  • /archive - Launches the Shoutbox Archive window (only if member has permission to view it!)
  • /ban [name] - This will ban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)
  • /moderator member [id|name] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular member
  • /moderator shout [id] - This will launch the appropriate moderator options for that particular shout
  • /prefs - This will launch the Preferences window
  • /prune [x] - This can be used by only those that have ACP access and will prune all shouts older than [x] days. If no number is entered, a security message will pop-up so you do not accidently wipe the whole shoutbox. /prune 0 will remove all shouts.
  • /refresh - This will refresh the Shoutbox (useful if you have your refresh button hidden)
  • /unban [name] - This will unban a member from the Shoutbox (only moderators with correct permissions can use this command)